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Tudományos hírek

Activation of the mobile signature in all Austrian tax offices
The mobile phone signature, which is the mobile version of the Citizen Card, was first introduced in Austria in December 2009. Two years later and in order to make the assessment of income tax easier, all tax offices in Austria provide the activation of the mobile phone signature, free of charge.

The only thing that citizens need to bring to the tax office to have their mobile phone signature activated is an official photo ID, such as a passport photo, and their mobile phone.

Mobile phone signature is one of the most secure methods available for identification over the internet. It is a user-friendly, fully-fledged citizen card with qualified signatures. It requires no card readers or installations; just the Short Message Service (SMS) on the mobile phone.

Upon activation, users may use a plethora of electronic services, which meet the highest safety standards. These services include application for certificates, information about pension and health insurance, disability assistance, digital libraries etc. Users can even legally sign documents such as contracts, receipts, cancellation notices or forms electronically (in PDF format).

With the mobile phone signature citizens thus have access for their income tax assessment to FinanzOnline, the electronic communication platform of the Austrian Public Finance, from the convenience of their home, at any time and without queues.

A list of all mobile phone signature services, information on the signature's use and other activation options (e.g. online, via SendStation.at) may be found on the mobile phone signature portal.

Background information

The Citizen Card contains a qualified electronic signature that makes it possible to sign forms or contracts which normally require a personal handwritten signature. It is available in many different formats, since it does not depend on a particular type of technology and does not require one specific type of card. In most cases, the carrier medium is a chip card (such as the eCard) or a mobile phone (mobile phone signature). It is essential that the citizen card contains a qualified electronic signature and an identity link that contains the associated security data and functions, as well as any data on mandates which may have been granted.

Further information:

E-Government, Alapitvány