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Kormányzati hírek








Tudományos hírek

The Mobile Office
The Mobile Office is a service provided by the Municipal Authority of the Town of Most for a certain group of citizens living in the town of Most and/or belonging communities. The Mobile Office offers some elementary administrative procedures to be arranged so that the citizens need not visit the office itself. The Municipal Authority of Most has a long-term interest in being a real public service for citizens. The Mobile Office is a good way of making the access to the services of the municipal authority easier. It means that the citizens need not visit the office because the office comes to the citizens. The Municipal Authority of Most is aware of the fact that there is a group of citizens who can have difficulty visiting the office. This group involves handicapped people, old people, and people living in social or medical facilities, as well as people in difficult periods of life such as a self-caring parent with underage children, injured, ill or bereaved people etc.The Mobile Office provides selected administrative procedures and is available in the administrative district of the Municipal Authority of Most. The services of the Mobile Office are available as of April 1, 2009. The Municipal Authority of Most guarantees precisely determined conditions under which this service can be provided. 

The objective of the Mobile Office provided by the Municipal Authority of Most is to make the services for citizens comfortable and high-quality. The Mobile Office is aimed at making the services more available for those people who are handicapped in some way, not only for medical reasons but also experiencing some temporary difficult life situation. The Mobile Office guarantees to provide the service within 5 working days from the day of application, i.e. from the first visit at the citizen. It is obvious that some kinds of services cannot be settled within only one visit (such as identity cards agenda). In case the affair cannot be settled during a single visit, all subsequent contacts between the citizen and the office are performed by a remote access, eventually via the Mobile Office if a personal contact is necessary.

The Mobile Office has lots of benefits to the citizens. Travelling to the office can be physically as well as mentally exhausting for handicapped people. The people using this service can save their travel costs or the costs for attestation of the power of attorney if they need somebody to act for them. The acquisition costs involved necessary technical equipment (hardware, software, notebook, Internet access, scanner) amounting at about 60 thousand Czech crowns. The operational costs do not present any extra costs as the Mobile Office provides the same services like the office itself. The extra costs include only the operation of a vehicle running 7 Czech crowns per kilometre (the vehicle was purchased earlier).The Mobile Office is an effective service helping a special group of citizens to solve their difficult life situations. It is a simple solution that can be used by any other public administration authority.

E-Government, Alapitvány